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"This is one of the best classes I have ever been in."
Decision Maker, US Navy​​​​
"A must-read for anyone seeking to harness the full potential of generative AI in marketing."
- Professor, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
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"Regardless of your domain if you want to start with AI fundamentals, this is one of the best book out there."
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"A must for every beginner of AI." - Udemy Review
"(The authors) deftly lay out the possibilities and perils of our century’s most important technology."
Editor-at-large, Forbes
"I am a doctor, (now) trained in AI. This concept has given me a new perspective to use AI in medical practice.”
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"That AI Job Risk Calculator is soon going to be viral."
VP Business Development, EdTechDigit Innovations​​​​​
"When it comes to trends in how business and technology intersect, Malay is among the best there is."
Founder at Inflectiv, and Former VP at Edelman and Interbrand​